Common Mistakes Drivers Make Leading to Accidents
Posted on Oct 9, 2012 4:26pm PDT
While many individuals may think of themselves as invincible while driving on the road, their actions directly affect everyone else around them. Through reckless behavior or inattention to details, drivers can often put others in danger without realizing it. Below we have listed out some of the most common missteps people take while driving that can lead to serious injury.
Distracted Driving
In 2010 alone, over 3,000 individuals were killed in a car accident related to distracted driving as well as 416,000 people injured due to this same cause. Texting and driving seems to be the leading reason for distracted driving in recent years as the average time it takes to look away and send a text is approximately 4.6 seconds. Driving at 55 mph, a driver can go the full length of a football field in the same time it takes to send a text. This poses a significant risk of danger towards other responsible drivers.
This is the most common reason that drivers in Texas get pulled over for a ticket and yet it is still a prevalent cause of accidents. Speeding can be the reason for horrific accidents that result in fatalities and extensive damage to the individuals involved. Typically driving fast and reckless activity on the road go hand in hand and individuals can very quickly get out of control before they even realize it is happening. If you or a loved one has been a victim of a speeding accident due to another's careless behavior, be certain to contact an attorney straight away.
Driving Under the Influence
In 2010, nearly 1.5 million people were arrested for driving under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol. Sadly each day in America, 28 people are killed from drunk driving accidents due to careless actions from an intoxicated driver. While some people do not even realize they are drunk when getting behind the wheel, it is still ultimately their responsibility to make the right choice. Putting other innocent lives at risk by driving drunk is absolutely unacceptable and if you have fallen victim to this type of crash, compensation may be available to you.
While these are just a few of the most common reasons for car accidents across the nation, they are some of the most widespread issues. It is vital that those who experience injury at the hands of a negligent driver be given financial compensation for their loss and suffering. By obtaining the help of a qualified attorney who can decipher your case, you may find that a majority of your medical bills and expenses can be paid for following this kind of tragedy.
Contact an educated lawyer from The Law Office of Sebastian J. Simon today to schedule a free initial consultation so you get back on your feet.